O fim do dinheiro que conhecíamos

The end of the money we knew

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Money has its days numbered. I am not referring here to my bank account. I am referring to that kind of currency that we use to transact things. Or broker your transaction.

Money is a convention. And that convention is changing. NFT is no longer money as we know it, but it is a currency with which you can take ownership of something. Cryptocurrencies are another increasingly accepted type of financial convention. By the way, with them, you buy NFTs. But to carry out these transactions, you need a credit card, another type of currency with digital value, in this case backed by what you have in a financial institution or what it deems you worthy of having, in the form of some type of credit, loan or financing.

Linking money to gold backing no longer has a concrete meaning. And those pieces of paper with face value that for so many years we identified so clearly with money are giving way to more ethereal versions. Name, by the way, of one of the most famous cryptocurrencies in circulation.

The next version of the new money is CBDCs, or Central Bank Digital Currency, digital currencies issued by countries’ central banks. About 80 nations have either launched or are considering launching this type of coin. Brazil included.

All of these changes radically transform the global financial and economic environment. Cryptocurrencies and CBDCs can cross borders and be traded anywhere in the world, without tariff barriers or financial bureaucracy. Which should result in the loss of control by economic agents over the currency in circulation.

Investments in general, for all this, will certainly undergo an unimaginable rearrangement. Values will tend to become more volatile. This will be reflected in the price of everything.

It is chaos in preparation, but already in progress. And since there is still no agreed control over it, chaos will be.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because there are obvious advantages to all these moves. But while rules, concepts and new conventions are not in their proper places, we are going to experience a roller coaster. Enjoy the ride.

Text by Pyr Marcondes, journalist, publicist, consultant, publisher, author, investor, M&A Tech Advisor. He is a Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital.


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