Category: Podcast Papo de M&A

Corporate culture in transition

Maintaining identity during growth Corporate culture is the heart of any company. It is the set of shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape

Have you ever thought about selling your company?

If selling your company is on your mind, the time to start preparing for the M&A process is now, regardless of the stage you

Francesco Weiss: A Great Entrepreneur to Help Other Entrepreneurs

Text by Alon Sochaczewski, Founder and CEO of Pipeline Capital Tech. One of the greatest challenges for Pipeline Capital Tech is to find experienced

The Billionaire Secret: Leveraging Growth through Strategic Debt

Some time ago, a company approached us for an evaluation. With an evaluation approaching the astonishing figure of one billion, they were already a

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Pipeline Podcast “Papo de M&A”

Pipeline Capital’s podcast on mergers and acquisitions, innovation and technology.