Pipeline News

Category: Pyr Marcondes

The (uncertain) future of work

In his latest book, The Singularity is Nearer (which I am summarizing for you and will publish in chapters… only 70 out of 415 pages left

The historic and polemic moment when journalism becomes ChatGPT

Instead of lamenting, players in the segment should work in line with the world’s most advanced technologists to stay at the forefront alongside them.

Inorganic Growth: What it is and why it’s a great option for your company

Inorganic growth occurs when your company merges with others in some form, creating an operation that is larger than the sum of its parts.

2041: yes, the machines will come for us

In summary, machines will annihilate millions of jobs in the coming years, but AI will also generate new jobs that we cannot even imagine

Corporate culture in transition

Maintaining identity during growth Corporate culture is the heart of any company. It is the set of shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape

The Girl from Wudang and a kick ass in our future

By Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital. I am reading – with a dedication that my son Tiago got live from the author

Have you ever thought about selling your company?

If selling your company is on your mind, the time to start preparing for the M&A process is now, regardless of the stage you

Francesco Weiss: A Great Entrepreneur to Help Other Entrepreneurs

Text by Alon Sochaczewski, Founder and CEO of Pipeline Capital Tech. One of the greatest challenges for Pipeline Capital Tech is to find experienced

The Billionaire Secret: Leveraging Growth through Strategic Debt

Some time ago, a company approached us for an evaluation. With an evaluation approaching the astonishing figure of one billion, they were already a

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