Text by Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital
The fact is that more and more there will be very little we can do without a digital identity, which is why the issue of security takes on such dramatic contours.
In the 1990s, a movement of digital activists called Cypherpunks emerged. These guys already believed that only when we all have encrypted control of our data will we be truly free in the digital world, and only then will our legitimate citizenship be guaranteed in front of society and the state. This is an issue that goes beyond privacy, which is also relevant, to be part of our social existence as a whole, in an essentially and increasingly digital world. It’s not just a technological issue, but a political one.
This is what the cypherpunks believed and at least this philosophical principle of the sect seems indisputable to me (they also advocated digital terrorism against those in power, but that’s another thing).
Because he believes that without struggle and socially active denunciation, we will not change much, Dr. Harry Halpin, also an activist for increasing privacy through the decentralization of the structure and concentrated power we have today in tech platforms, has been arrested several times in various countries. Master of disciplines such as cryptocurrency, hyperinflation, blockchain, sociology, and Information Technology, Halpin shared the SXSW stage with Yasodara Cordova, Chief Research Officer for Privacy at Unico, with a curriculum of participation in numerous institutions and activities for the increase of digital privacy and human rights, on the panel Breaking Paradigms About The Future of Digital ID. The central issue of our digital identity, the same one as the cypherpunks, has always been present in the last editions of SXSW. This time, it took on contours of a more effective position of society based on liberation movements and access to effective control of all our data.
A basic concept remembered by the speakers is that the more information, the more invasibility and less privacy. Adding to this the fact that, in many cases, we ourselves authorize our data to be out there, without us having the slightest idea where they are.
Around 1 billion people on the planet do not have access to the digital world. Over 6 billion have access to a digital identity, half of which can be traced.
The fact is that more and more there will be very little we can do without a digital identity, which is why the issue of security takes on such dramatic contours.
The formula advocated by the speakers is: Data Control + Privacy + Access = Revolution.
As the cypherpunks advocated, we really need a revolution.
We just haven’t yet established how to organize it, and for now, the enemy is winning all the battles they choose to engage in.
The saying goes that every freedom has its price. In this case, we are also paying dearly for the lack of it.
Text by Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital
Article originally published by Meio&Mensagem.
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