AI Marketing: a 2024 guide

Autor: Pipeline Capital
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Generative AI is just one of the dozens and dozens of multifaceted possibilities of artificial intelligence.

By Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital.

I don’t need and I won’t start by talking about the importance of AI. I’ll get straight to the point: so what? How will it change my profession, my company, and my marketing next year? Everything that is going to happen next year is already starting to happen now, you just have to look around you. But the simple answer is: it will change everything.

Let’s get into the details.

  1. The role of copywriters, art directors, and creative directors will be substantially altered. There will be fewer positions in agencies in these activities because a substantial part of them will be replaced by AI. This will reduce costs for agencies in these areas and increase the productivity of repetitive tasks. It should also lower the cost for advertisers in these areas, for the same reason. The work of big ideas will continue to be vital, but will have great collaboration from AI tools, with creatives taking advantage of ideas they possibly wouldn’t have on their own. The need for branding will remain strategic, but there will no longer be branding dissociated from performance. And there, machines have, again, an important supporting role.
  2. The productivity and assertive volume of pieces will multiply several times (texts, videos, ads, commercials, campaigns, etc). This we already know now. However, the accuracy and personalization in the distribution of these pieces will also increase, resulting in the monetization of media budgets like we’ve never had before. Mass with personalization.
  3. The activity of media in agencies will also be quite impacted in the same way (reduction of positions), however, media professionals will still have strategic relevance and business. AI tools will be used for the tasks of allocating budgets across channels in an automated and highly data-driven manner. With AI, the possibility of real-time adjustments will become standard.
  4. These same tools will make more accurate recommendations of products and brands, optimizing the attribution and conversion chain at the end of the sales funnel.
  5. The predictive capacity of marketing will increase substantially because AI has the ability to predict behavior and consumption based on gigantic volumes of data. This, obviously, will result in optimization in the final results of commercial areas and final sales of both industry and retail.
  6. Internally within companies (and this is valid not only for the marketing and communication industry, but also for all others), workflows will be managed by AI, optimizing time, quality in the distribution of tasks, and greater control in deadline management.
  7. Consumer service and support activities will be essentially done by machines. They are already today. Multiply that many times. That’s what will happen.
  8. Machines, less and less humans, will increasingly make decisions about a strategic marketing plan, a media plan, product pricing, SKU assortment at the point of sale, etc. Throughout our industry chain, machines will make choices instead of humans because they will do so more quickly and with a stronger foundation in data and actual performance, reducing errors and waste.
  9. Increased volume and precision on all platforms for measuring data and campaign performance.
  10. In the area of data (and understand that there is not actually a “data area,” since data is already in all the activities of our industry), the impact will be equally gigantic next year, in the following sub-areas: data discovery, storage, data curation and processing, governance and data security, data interpretation, perhaps the most interesting subsegment of all, with the wealth of machine learning.

Let’s understand that there are many AIs. Generative AI is just one of the dozens and dozens of multifaceted possibilities of artificial intelligence. Next, a list sprinkled with activities, more in detail, that will be directly impacted and/or entirely managed by AI in our industry.

• Construction of prototypes, apps, software, and chatbots

• Social media data analysis

• Content creation

• Generation of images and videos

• Media targeting

• Campaign personalization

• SEO optimization

• Hyper-personalization of CRM

• CX automation

• Voice search

Finally, the precautions we will have to take with all this:

• Data privacy

• Security of AI tools

• Data leaks

• Biased data profiles of society

• Manipulation of information

• Fake versions of practically everything that can be created and distributed online

In 2024 all this is going to happen. It’s going to be a smashing year in the realm of AI Marketing. We are not ready for it, to be frank. It’s up to each one of us to prepare as best as we can to face all this transformation, which is no longer just human, but also in the way and speed of machines. They are beginning to beat us.

Text by Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital, originally published in Meio & Mensagem.

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Pipeline Capital

Pipeline Capital Tech Investment Group is a tech-driven advisory and investment platform that integrates intelligence, excellence, international presence, and profitable ventures for founders and investors. Established in 2012, Pipeline draws its name from a famous Hawaiian beach, as its founder is an avid surfer, symbolizing how the business world comes in waves, the opportunities rise and fade swiftly. In the business landscape, it’s crucial to be prepared to spot, anticipate, and capitalize on these waves of opportunity, so our mission is to support companies in catching the best waves and riding them with excellence to secure the best deals. We are not a traditional M&A and investment firm. Instead, we were founded and are managed by entrepreneurs who are also partners of the company. With years of expertise in Tech, Advertising, Marketing, and Finance, we possess deep knowledge of the tech sector and extensive global experience. As a Capital Tech Driven Company, we believe the best business opportunities lie in the intersection of investments and technology.

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