Factors that influence Valuation beyond financial performance

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When we talk about M&A, there is no doubt that financial performance is one of the factors that most influence the valuation of your company. But there are other points that cannot be overlooked. Here are some of them:

  • The quality of earnings. High quality earnings can indicate consistency and the likelihood that earnings will hold in the future.
  • Market strength at the time of sale. Is this the ideal time to sell your business? Working with an M&A firm that specializes in your niche can help you answer this question.
  • Strength of the management team. Remember: your team is the soul of the company!
  • Scenario position and competitive market. It is important to do a specific mapping of your market and analyze the competitive scenario.
  • Mix of products and services. Know your strengths and highlight what you have to offer the best.
  • Customer concentration and asset quality. How is your customer portfolio composed?

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