Five predictions for 2023

Tempo de leitura:

Text by Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital.

What to expect from the market for the new year

  1. Ecommerce becomes Marketing

There was a time when Marketing and Commerce were two related but separate activities. No more. They are one thing. Commerce and Marketing lost their meaning (and effectiveness, and profitability, and agility) if operated individually as silos. This will only become clearer and clearer in 2023. Those who still don’t understand will understand the hard way: losing market.

2. M&As will grow and accelerate

The trend has been consolidating year after year, during the pandemic it did not slow down, and next year it will resume accelerated rhythms. Large groups will continue to go shopping, mergers between medium-sized companies will continue to abound. Investment funds have begun to realize that marketing is a lucrative investment, as shown by the most recent surveys, placing this sector as the third that most attracts venture capital worldwide. This capital will anabolize the sector as a whole. With special attention to startups, which will continue to be the industry’s most attractive vector of innovation.

  1. Fake LGTBQIA+ companies will pay a high price

It’s been a while since companies have gone public about their adherence to the LGTBQIA+, but in reality, not many take it seriously and have internal and consumer relationship policies that are effectively engaged. Next year, this little fake world will come more and more to the public and either companies take the issue seriously or society and its consumers will migrate to brands that play their part, as in fact everyone has to do in these times.

  1. Collaborative AI Goes Mainstream

AI is everywhere. But its collaborative support role for teams working in marketing and advertising will accelerate next year. Text and creativity solutions, statistical and sales forecasts, operational support for management flow, in short, several of the day-to-day operational tasks of our industry will have AI support that will optimize all of them.

  1. Investments in Marketing Tech will steal the spotlight

I never get tired of saying for a long time that there is no more marketing without the tech suffix. Because Martech will be the keyword for everything in our industry. All companies, agencies, advertisers, communication groups, will invest more and more deeply in martech. Because they will have no other option or way out. Whoever eats a ball, well, he will eat a ball.

Text by Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital.

Article originally published by Meio&Mensagem.

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