In the land of algorithms, what’s left for creativity?

Tempo de leitura:

A word that best defines the relationship between marketing professionals and the profusion of new concepts and technological tools that have emerged in recent years is lack of knowledge. This term was even used by Pyr Marcondes, senior partner at Pipeline Capital when starting the debate that brought together Chiara Martine, creative strategy lead Latam at Coca-Cola, and Robson Harada, chief marketing and growth officer at Mercado Bitcoin.

The moderator asked the two professionals about their concern about the lack of knowledge that technologies and technological transformations bring and how it is possible to use this in favor of brands. Chiara did not hesitate to admit that she feels that she is at an early stage regarding the incorporation of these technologies into her routine and that, therefore, she uses this tool of data and algorithms as support. “I try to deal with all of this by admitting that I still don’t know these universes in depth and that, therefore, this information guides me and helps guide decision-making”, she explained.

In this path, it is essential to have partners that guide companies to navigate in this ocean of possibilities. Chiara says that she is lucky to have very talented partners at Coca-Cola, who have a lot of information that ends up being useful for the company’s strategies. “My role, however, is not to simply follow. It is necessary to analyze the data that is presented and, based on that, make the best decisions. And in this process I still believe a lot in intuition”, highlighted the professional.

From the intangible to the tangible

Robson Harada spoke about the difference in working for a traditional brand, such as Itaú, where he spent a few years, for a cryptocurrency company, whose product is something totally intangible and the concept is still unknown to most people.

According to the executive, the main difference between marketing from one company to another is the risk appetite, which tends to be lower in a more traditional company. On the other hand, working in a digital asset and cryptocurrency company allows for more experiments.

Harada spoke about the challenge of selling something intangible to consumers and said that, for that, he tries to use the knowledge that people already have about more familiar subjects. “We recently launched a fixed income product, taking something that everyone knows, we tokenize that product and market the assets to people. The big idea is to put something that would be difficult to understand linked to something that people already know, which, in this case, was the investment portfolio”, he explained.

The power of communities

Executives also spoke about the importance of understanding the movement of digital communities to map the best and most efficient ways to take your message to people. Chiara said that, more important than thinking about whether TikTok’s or Instagram’s algorithms are more or less efficient, the main thing is to understand who that influencer or spokesperson is that will carry the brand’s message and what contribution it makes to the marketing strategies. company communication.

“When we think about community work, we already understand that creators have become the spokespersons for brands. It’s less important to me whether that creator is on TikTok or Instagram. What matters most is how he understands the challenge of the brand and how he will pass it on”, said the Coca executive, emphasizing that the industry has always been very much based on formats and that, in fact, what makes the difference, primarily, is the message strategy.

Harada highlighted the potential of a well-built digital community by citing Discord, a channel that brings together active communities with different interests. According to the executive, discovering an alpha consumer, who will take that message forward, propagating it throughout the community, is something very strategic for brands. “Usually, communication actions are made for the masses, but this strategy, from the micro to the macro, is very interesting because the company now has spokespersons who have a great representation in those communities and, with that, are able to reverberate the brands and their work”, he contextualized.

Read the original text at Meio e Mensagem.

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