The event in Austin used to be a spoiler for the future, but this year its timing will be the present imperfect.
Text by Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital
I read a book that I don’t recommend to anyone called End Times. It talks about the end of everything and everyone. This year’s SXSW organizers must have read it. Maybe that’s why they stopped looking to the future and looked more to the present. The reasoning would be as simple as this: what’s the use of talking about the future if it is compromised and if we depend on the present for there to be any prospect of getting out of this?
SXSW was, for the last ten years, a keyhole through which we looked at what was yet to happen in countless areas of science, research and technology. It was a spoiler of the future.
This year the event focuses on ESG. The extremes and critical themes of ESG. Of course, without losing the dimension of its impact in the years to come. But the verb tense of the event stopped being the future of the present to be the present imperfect.
Our (innumerable) imperfections in all areas of human activity – not due to lack of knowledge, but due to lack of action, knowledge is even in excess – constituted a scenario of chaos, with which SXSW always knew how to deal very well, being one of its best performers year after year, which this time requires us to discuss how to do it, and quickly, while we think. Exponential chaos is the unspoken theme of the event.
If you’re curious, check out the list of panels and lectures. The themes all. It’s all there.
Honorably participating as a member of the M&M team of reporters going there again this year, I’ll see for myself if that’s right. I promise to tell you everything.
Text by Pyr Marcondes, Senior Partner at Pipeline Capital
Article originally published by Meio&Mensagem.
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