The Year of the Tiger is definitely a milestone for Unicorns

Tempo de leitura:

1,000 unicorns: Global billion-dollar private companies reach four-digit milestone.

Matter translated from CBInsigths.

2/2/2022, the aptly named Year of the Tiger, was historically landmark. The worldwide unicorn club reaches 1,000 members with valuations of over $1 billion. Here are the key stats you need to know:


Main categories:

1- Fintech is the largest category of unicorns, representing approximately 1 in 5 unicorns (21%);
2- Internet Software and Services (18%);
3- E-commerce and direct-to-consumer companies (11%).

Main geographies:

  • United States is home to the most unicorns (51%);
  • China (17%);
  • India (6%).

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